Friday, October 28, 2011

Andrew Hanzelka should join show choir. (also I'm desperate for blog ideas)

Soooooooooooooooo I already wrote about show choir one time, and it was basically a shame blog post because I was tired and I felt I could ramble about it for the required word count. I'm going to do it again because I can. Show choir at Kennedy has gotten to a cult-like status. I've seen the hard work people put into their auditions, even friendships have been broken up by one friend making the group and one friend not being so lucky. People dedicate their high school career to show choir, and the audition pool for Happiness inc (varisty choir) sometimes exceeds 200. Because we have such a large audition pool, recruiting is never really necessary. The other day our director, Mr. Zielger, said something very unusual.

"If someone doesn't bring me Andrew Hanzelka by the end of the year, I'm going to hurt all of you."

Obviously, he was joking about the "hurting us" part, but it is very strange for Mr. Ziegler to go out of his way to ask for someone to join. Immediately, poor Andrew was bombarded by choir geeks relentlessly asking him to try out. I knew he was probably annoyed by this, but I thought it would be worth a shot to conduct a little interview.

So Andrew, why do you think people want you to join show choir?
 Mostly for my body, but also apparently I have a good singing voice.

How often to do get asked to audition?
Probably four times a school week.

What do you tell them?
"Ehhhhh, we'll see.."

Why do you say that?
Mainly to get them to go away... I figure that if I don't give them a clear YES or NO answer, they'll shrug their shoulders and wait a day or two before they ask again

Do you have a random wacky comment or shout out you'd like to make?
I wish I could grow a mustache...

So I just wrote a blog post about some person I actually know, and I feel sort of creepy, and I bet you think I'm creepy. Well thats okay. I think we should all learn to leave Andrew alone on this issue, because he is clearly a very sensitive human being. If you keep bothering him about it, he would never join. The best approach is to subltly convice him to try out in April.


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