Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Recently on twitter I've seen lots of people using the hashtag #yolo. It means "you only life once". Yolo isn't a celebrity quote or supporting any campaign, its simply an inspirational tag. The phrase is meant to encourage people to step outside what they normally do and try something new, because you only have one life and you should try new things etc. etc. etc. When I google searched the phrase, I found diverse examples of #yolo
Sometimes, it's used in a joking way, like the twitter account @yolojokes, which describes ridiculous situations and then ends with #yolo. I think yolo jokes are funny, kind of. Its not exactly what the phrase is supposed to be but more of a weird twist on it. I see a lot of people my age retweet these.
Por examplo:

One of the weirdest things I found when I searched google was "YOLO Restaurant - You Only Live Once". I didn't believe that someone opened up a restaurant called that. The tagline "you only live once" for a restaurant is actually kind of appealing, I could imagine a restaurant with lots of diverse weird options for you to try because... well... you only live once.
I took the phrase and applied it to my own life last night. It was storming, pretty badly. I was in my room listening to the rain and thought about how nice it would be to be out there and just run around in the storm. I immediately laughed off the idea because going out in the storm is something that people just don't do. Then I thought, that's what #yolo is all about, doing the thing that you wouldn't normally do for the sake of experience. I put on some slick sweatpants and an old sweatshirt and walked outside in the rain. It was bad and within a matter of seconds I was immediately soaked, but it was fun. The weather outside is so warm that I wasn't frozen, I felt refreshed. In fact, it was weirdly magical. I kind of made the connection between my spontaneous decision to go outside in the pouring rain and an insane person. It kind of seems like schizophrenic activity, but I promise I'm just trying to live in the moment. #YOLO.

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