Sunday, March 18, 2012

Documenting my attempts to cure my sore throat.

This whole week, the lining of the inside of my throat has slowly been disintegrating. Or, at least, that's what it feels like. It's an absolutely awful feeling, I could best describe it as if someone took a knife, plunged it into your throat, carved off the first five layer of skin until it bleeds, takes the knife out, replaces it with sandpaper, and rubs all over where your throat touches together when you swallow. Basically I am in constant pain and when I swallow I feel like a part of me just died. Unfortunately, my body's natural reaction is to swallow constantly. I looked this up; your brain things a foreign object or infection is in your throat so it keeps swallowing to make the saliva cover it and protect the area. This has to be wrong because it hurts so very bad. On top of this constant pain, I have to sing a lot. I have two choir classes every day on top of voice lessons. So I was slowly killing myself. Saturday we had a show choir competition in Lacrosse and I didn't speak once until we performed. We won, so I guess that's what you call sacrifice. Currently, my ability to make sound is at a zero. I need something to cure myself.

google images never lets me down. 

9 am Sunday Morning. I wake up, still in a lot of pain. My first idea is to go to the medicine cabinet and see what I can do to fix myself. I see towards the back of the cabinet the words "cold & sore throat relief". I grab the bottle excitedly and down a lot of it. Normally I would be grossed out with what I assumed was cough medicine but the upside to having such a constant pain is that you don't really notice the taste of anything. I looked at the bottle to see exactly what it was. NYQUIL. Oh god no. If you don't know already, nyquil is basically a drug of its own. I've seen lots of things on the news about kids abusing nyquil and cough syrup because enough can make you have some hallucinations. I just drank about 3/4 of a bottle in desperation. I went and sat on the couch and waited for it to hit me. About 15 minutes later nothing had happened. Maybe 3/4 of a bottle isn't really that much. I laughed it off. I looked from the door to the tv and noticed my vision wasn't really working normally. I closed my eyes for what I thought would be a second to make it stop.

12 pm. I wake up very confused. With a sore throat.

I hate nyquil.

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