Sunday, September 18, 2011

I give my unwanted opinion about the iPhone 5!

I figured this was a good topic so I could finally have a blog post with a real idea. So for the past few months I've been wishing I had a smart phone. I currently have the LG Banter Touch. I mean I'm going to be casually using my phone in class anyway so why not use the internet at the same time! PLUS if I had a smartphone I could probably procure some sort of blogger app so I can be all high-tech about my blog posts in this class. Posting from my phone would probably reduce the chore-like feeling of writing. My current carrier (US Celluar) does have smartphones, mostly just the blackberry and a few models of the droid. My Dad and his wife Kathy currently use Verizon, which carries the iPhone. I would be willing to switch providers to get this phone. (which says something about the power and popularity of Apple) If I'm going to get a smartphone, I want THE MOTHER OF ALL SMARTPHONES. I want the iPhone 5.

this is what popped up when I 
carelessly google searched iPhone 5

I heard that such a thing would soon be coming into existence one morning on the news, with the added info it would go to Sprint, offering unlimited data. I didn't really care if Sprint was getting the iPhone 5, but the news of the iPhone 5 arriving conveniently fits in with my plans to acquire a smartphone. Probably the most interesting part about the iPhone 5 is not the actual phone itself, but rather the cult following Apple products have. A simple google search of the word "iPhone 5" leads to obsession blogs, which are all pretty much the exact same blog over and over.

Notable examples include:

Depressingly, there are many more. Also, I found the hilariously named which shows the kind of cult following Apple products have. To throw another link at you, there is a derogatory term for those obsessed with Apple.

So yeah, the iPhone 5 guys.

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